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Contact one of our Camping & Outdoor experts. Mon-Friday 9 AM to 5:30 PM AEDT

Buy Outdoor Gear now and Pay Later with Zip!

Zip Pay

Attention: Outbax just made shopping even better for ZipMoney users!

Shop from March 1 to March 31, 2023 and enjoy 24 months of interest-free payment for orders over $1,000! How convenient is that?

Own your item, pay easier, and take your time wiping off your balance. Here at Outbax, we make sure you get the best quality outdoor gear and have the most convenient shopping experience from choosing your item to paying for it.

Zip is a simple, secure and convenient payment option that allows you to shop now and pay later for your online purchases!

Why use Zip for your online Outdoor Gear?

  • Interest-free
  • Full payment flexibility
  • Nothing to pay up front

Are there any additional fees charged for using a Zip account?

  • A monthly service fee of $7.95 applies
  • This fee is waived if the balance is paid by the due date.
  • No balance. No fees.

Who can create a Zip account?

  • Any Australian citizen or permanent resident over 18 years of age may be eligible for a zipPay account.

What are you waiting for, have a look at our Outdoor Store today and use zipPay to buy now and pay later!

Popular zipPay Outdoor Products

12 Months Interest Free - Promotional Rate: 2% Ex GST, No Minimum Spend.

Terms and Conditions: **Available to approved applicants only. Minimum monthly repayments are required. Paying only the minimum monthly repayment amount will not pay out the purchase within the interest free period. Any balance outstanding at the expiry of the interest free period for the purchase will be charged interest at the contractual rate, currently 19.9%. A $7.95 monthly account fee applies. A one-off establishment fee may apply for new customers. Terms & Conditions apply and are available on application. See your contract for further details.
Credit provided by Zip Money Payments Pty Limited (ABN 58 164 440 993, Australian Credit Licence Number 441878). Offer available from 1/06/2022 - 30/06/2023