Some people are hesitant to try camping because it often means leaving the comfort of home in exchange for a night out in the wild. It becomes particularly daunting with mosquitos and other animals lurking in the campgrounds. You are also exposed to outside temperatures, depending on the season.
Do you know that you don't have to experience all these challenges because there are camping gear made just for your convenience? With portable generators, you can bring the conveniences of home, such as lighting, ventilation, hot showers, and well-cooked meals, to the campsite.
Cooking Made Easy
If you own a portable generator or plan to get one, you are in the right place. Here are some pro tips for cooking using power from a portable generator.
1. Use your small kitchen appliances
One good thing about cooking with a portable generator is that you do not have to deal with the mess involved in starting and keeping a campfire. With the help of power from the sun, you can use electric-powered small kitchen appliances to make coffee or cook meals such as pancakes, toasted bread, sandwiches, soups, and more. All you need to do is properly connect them to your portable generator and voilÃ! You can start cooking your favourite meals hassle-free. If ever you run out of power from your portable generator, you can use a portable solar panel for backup. It is very convenient to use and cost-effective because you just have to leave it under the sun and it starts generating energy. In addition, portable solar panels are a good investment because they will help you save money on electricity in the long run. You can also use them at home after camping out in the wild.
2. Use your portable generator to power up portable freezers/fridges
To keep your food fresh and avoid spoilage, it is important that you store your food in a portable freezer. This way, you can keep them in good condition before you cook them. You can also use coolers to store them. Spoil food is dangerous in the wild, especially if you are camping far from the hospital.
3. Ensure everyone's safety
Your safety, as well as those of the people around you, should be your first priority. To avoid cuts, burns, bruises, or serious accidents whilst cooking or preparing food, here are some of the things you need to consider: - If you are planning to cook using your portable generator inside your caravan, RV, or an enclosed space, think again. Your portable generator should be used in a ventilated area or even outdoors to let the fumes escape. - If your portable generator runs out of fuel, turn it off and let it cool down before you refill it. Never refill your portable generator whilst it is turned on, as it can cause a spark. - Label the fuel for your portable generator, and keep it away from the reach of children. - Only use your portable generator on a flat surface to avoid sliding, rolling, or tipping. - Always keep a fire extinguisher nearby. - Keep your surrounding area and portable generator clean to avoid slippage and prevent any fire accidents. - Never leave your portable generator unattended whilst it is running.
4. Install an inverter generator in your vehicle
If you are always out camping and you own a caravan or an RV, then an inverter generator is a better choice for your cooking needs. In fact, it is the best kind of portable generator that you can install in your vehicle. It is also ideal for camping trips. An inverter generator provides pure and clean power which is ideal for cooking. It usually comes with noise-reduction accessories such as mufflers, sound-proof casing, and insulators. Inverter generators require well-ventilated places as well. If you are going to have one in your vehicle, make sure that your vehicle has a proper ventilation system, and always open the windows when cooking. Do not forget to hire a licensed electrician to install it on your vehicle, and make sure the generator will fit before you buy one.
5. Check your appliance's compatibility with the generator
Before you can connect the kitchen appliance you brought with you for glamping, first check if it is compatible with your portable generator. This is important to avoid any accident or damage to the electrical device.
6. Put the hazards away
Whilst cooking with your portable generator, remember to put away anything that can cause an accident when in contact with your portable generator. These include water that can cause electric shocks.
7. Do not overload your generator
It is important that your generator is not overloaded or working beyond its capacity. This is not only in terms of cooking devices. It also applies to all appliances that rely on your portable generator.
8. Turn off your cooking appliances
Before powering your portable generator, make sure that all the kitchen appliances connected to it are turned off. This is to avoid a sudden surge of power to the electrical devices.
9. Keep the generator from the view of kids
Always keep children away from the portable generator to prevent accidents.
10. Stay away from hot areas
Whilst your portable generator is running, make sure you stay away from the hot areas.
11. Do not forget to bring aluminium foil
An aluminium foil is a must-have for camping meals. You can use it to cover your precious food supply. It can also keep your food warm.
12. Go with easy camping recipes
Whilst you do not have all the necessary equipment for cooking in the camp, it is still possible to cook easy delicious camping meals. Here are some of the easy recipes you can cook using power from your portable generator:
Mac N' Cheese
For a cheesy meal, you will need a small aluminium pie tin sprinkled with cooking spray. Fill it up with pre-cooked macaroni, including all the necessary ingredients, and seal it with aluminium foil. It is now ready for cooking.
Breakfast Sandwich
This recipe is perfect if you are going to bring an electric grill to your camping trip. If you have leftover BBQ from the previous night, you can pre-heat it before putting it between two buns. Add cheese and wrap it in aluminium foil. It is now ready for grilling.
Hotdogs in tin foil
Sprinkle hotdogs with strings of bacon and cheese, and wrap them with aluminium foil. This is great for your electric portable grill, and the kids will love it as well.
Stuffed fish in tin foil
- The uses for aluminium foil are endless, and there are many recipes you can make with it. Stuff your pre-cooked whole fish (with bones removed) with lemon slices, organic butter and salt, and wrap it in aluminium foil. It is now ready for cooking on your electric grill. There are plenty of easy camping recipes to choose from. Some of them need to be prepared at home before you embark on your camping trip. See here for more easy camping recipes.
13. Prepare your ingredients ahead of time
For a hassle-free cooking experience with your portable generator, prepare your ingredients before driving off to the campground. You can use mason jars and pipe bags to store your premixed eggs or pancakes. Keep them in your fridge, and thaw the ice when it is time for cooking. Cut and chop the vegetables and meat before heading to the camp. This will save you time and energy, and you can enjoy more time with nature.
14. Leave unnecessary cooking wares behind
If you have a lot of food to bring, you might be thinking of bringing several of your cooking appliances as well. However, it does not mean you will have to use all of them outdoors. Remember that the power in your portable generator is limited, and it is important that you bring cooking appliances that you can use for many purposes. Leaving unnecessary appliances behind also gives way to more space and helps you save fuel in your generator.
15. Make sure everything is working
Before you leave the house, do not forget to test if everything is working well, particularly your kitchen appliances and your portable generator. It would be a headache to discover that your cooking equipment does not work once you arrive at the campsite.
16. Cover it up
Whilst cooking with your portable generator, remember to cover up your food. This way, your food will cook faster which in turn helps you save fuel. It also keeps the food from spilling and drives the insects away.
17. Use cooking oil in your electric grill
Putting oil on your electric grill before cooking will prevent food from sticking to the grill.
18. Label your containers
Put labels on your food containers before heading out to camp. This will save you time from searching for the things you need for cooking. This will also prevent the wastage of gas, as you can easily locate the ingredients and get ready to cook.
19. Bring all the necessary gear
Let's say you forgot to cut onions and garlic ahead of time, and you do not have a reliable knife on hand. Having a sharp, reliable pocket knife is important because you can use it for various purposes such as cutting vegetables and ropes. It will also save time and fuel on your portable generator because you no longer have to search for an alternative cutting gear just to get your onions done. Here are some kitchen equipment that will make cooking with your portable generator easier: - Cutting board; - Garbage bags; - Kettle; - Spatula and food tongs; - Spoon and fork; - Can opener; - Tissue papers; - Ziploc bags; and - Lantern for dark cooking areas
20. Freeze meat
Freezing meat before heading out to camp will keep them fresh longer. The frozen meat will also cool out other things in your cooler. By freezing your meat ahead of time, you will save more fuel in your portable generator as well, particularly if you are using it for your small freezer.
21. Bring extra fuel
To avoid inconveniences and delays whilst cooking, it is important that you always bring an extra fuel tank.
22. Plan the meal preparation
When deciding which recipes you want to cook on your camping trip, first think about your cooking equipment and portable generator. If the recipes you choose require a certain temperature, you might want to check your cooking equipment. With this in mind, it is important to choose recipes you can easily cook with the kitchen equipment you have.
23. Prepare coffee bags
If you and your family love coffee, you must be drinking multiple cups of coffee a day. Bringing a coffee maker to your camping trip, however, can cost you a lot in fuel on your portable generator. Luckily, you do not have to bring a coffee maker anymore, as you will only need to bring a kettle and a thermos for your coffee bags. Here's how to make your very own coffee bags: fill your coffee filter with ground coffee and tie it with a thread or dental floss. Now, you have an instant coffee bag. Prepare it the way you consume hot tea.
Reliable Camping Gears
Cooking using power from a portable generator is more convenient compared to cooking in a campfire. A portable generator can also power up multiple cooking appliances, depending on the capacity. If you are looking to get your very own portable generator, look no further as Outbax has got you covered.
Outbax provides reliable and durable camping equipment that will make your camping life more convenient. From inflatable mattresses, tents, and portable generators to solar panels, Outbax Camping has what you need. We also provide free shipping and a 24-hour dispatch guarantee, as well as special 60-day returns. Visit Outbax today and get the equipment that best suit your camping needs.