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A Closer Look at the New Gentrax Premium Inverter Generator

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A Closer Look at the New Gentrax Premium Inverter Generator

Gentrax has successfully built a reputation for producing high quality products without compromising the budget of their customers. It's this commitment to quality and value for money that has won Gentrax the "Australia's Best Generator Award" by Product Review. And they continue this commitment to quality in their new Premium Inverter Generator range.

The first question we get about this new line of Gentrax generators is: "How is it better?" In this post, we take a closer look at this latest from Gentrax and hopefully find an answer together.

Enhanced Design

The new Gentrax Premium Inverter Generators have been given a more modern design. The 2.2KW Remote start inverter generator comes in two colours: blue and white. All generators are portable, so it is easy to take with you on camping trips.

Okay, so it looks better. But what else?

All the components of the three generators in the premium range have been reworked to last longer. The generators have long engine life, which is a great value for money. After all, you would want to make the most out of your generators, right?

All three generators have passed the rain test, so you don't have to worry about using it outdoors. The premium inverter generator line also has redesigned air ducts, housing and engine silencers. This makes them extra quiet, so it's great for backyard use too. The easy-to-use control panel is helpful particularly for first time generator owners who may still feel a little intimidated about using this particular camping equipment.

BLUE Gentrax Inverter Generator 2.2KW Remote Start

Okay, so it looks better. But what else?

The 2.2KW Premium inverter generators (blue and white) come with remote start function, for added convenience. Gentrax has also upgraded the overload reset function so there is no need for an engine restart. All you have to do is push the engine start button, and you can get back to work.

Regular maintenance and oil changes are a breeze, too. You do not have to disassemble the front cover to get it done so again, these generators are not going to be intimidating even to first time users.

On the other hand, if you are looking for ultra portability, the new 800W Gentrax premium inverter generator is the best option. Weighing less than 10kgs, this ultra portable generator is perfect for people that love spending the weekends camping.

Its compact design will not take up a lot of space in your vehicle, and will not require huge storage space in your garage. Unlike the two bigger generators though, the 800W does not come with a remote start function.

All three generators in the premium range come with an added 12V regulator module for a stable DC output. All have enhanced inverter technology so it is safe to use when charging sensitive equipment or gadgets. All three generators have additional 5V1A, 5V2.1A USB output sockets so you do not have to worry about not having enough power outlets for your needs.

And to sum it up:

So how is the new Gentrax premium inverter generator range better? The generators are revamped to have longer engine life. The enhanced engine silencers, air ducts and housing make all three generators in the range quieter. All three are easier to maintain and use even for first time owners.

Just when you thought Australia's Best Camping Generator cannot get any better, Gentrax comes out with a new line of generators that just exceeds expectations. But you do know that the best way you'd find out how the Gentrax Premium Inverter Generators are better is to get one, right? Check out Outbax and place an order before they all run out!