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10 Design Ideas for Above-Ground Swimming Pools

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10 Design Ideas for Above-Ground Swimming Pools

Having your own above-ground swimming pool will encourage your kids to be more active and stay away from their smartphones. It also means you can relax quietly within the comfort of your own home. There are many kinds of above-ground pools and you should choose one that will fit perfectly in your backyard.

What is an above-ground swimming pool?

An above-ground swimming pool is one that is either inflatable or made of vinyl and that can be placed in your backyard without significant ground digging. Installation is easy, as all the parts can be bought. Above-ground pools usually come with a filter system, pumps, liners, and steps or ladders. Years ago, only homes with wide and open spaces can have a pool installed. Because of new technologies, however, anyone can now have their swimming pool at home. One of the hardest decisions you need to make when choosing an above-ground pool is the shape and size of the pool.

1. Round

Round swimming pools are perfect for both small and big gardens. They allow for more intimate conversation, as you can see everyone around. Round pools also have a better structural integrity compared to the oval and rectangular shaped pools, because the water pressure applied on the pool wall is distributed equally. They are also easier to clean because there are no edges and corners that can accumulate dirt. Replacing the liner is also cheaper. As round pools do not have a clearly defined start and end point, lap swimming allows more swimmers to go around. A typical round above-ground swimming pool has a water capacity of 16,015 litres and costs only $479.

2. Oval

Most people would buy an oval pool because this is the traditional shape of an in-ground pool. Initially, people would decide that oval pools are better because you can do laps. You will discover that oval pools are better than round pools if your backyard is long but narrow and there isn't enough space on the sides. Oval pools need additional support on the longer ends because of the water pressure. Usually, triangular support brackets are used. Because of this, installation is going to be more expensive than the round pool.

3. Rectangular

A rectangular pool is the first type of pool that people think of when you speak of a swimming pool. This is because most building lots and backyards are rectangular or square in shape. If you want to swim laps, the rectangle is the best option because it is very easy to predict where you are going given the perpendicular sides. Fencing and designing are also easy and simple. Rectangular pools are preferred by people who want a more modern and minimalist look in their yard. The Bestway 4.1M x 2M x 1.22M, made with heavy-duty PVC and 3-ply polyester sidewalls, costs only $499 at Outbax's above ground pools. Design ideas for above-ground swimming pools Choosing the right design from thousands of themes available out there is difficult. Ultimately, you will decide and choose the design on your own. You may also hire a contractor who will present you with different design ideas such as the following:

1. Concrete

A concrete frame is easy to do and is very durable. It is a great choice if your backyard looks modern and your house is made more of concrete than wood. Concrete is not easily damaged by the seasons, although you should periodically apply sealants on the concrete because the chemicals in the pool water can eventually damage the surface. Once the concrete absorbs the water, cracks would eventually show, and the concrete can crumble. Concrete sealants will also help prevent any damage due to thawing and freezing.

2. Jacuzzi

Your above-ground pool may be converted into a Jacuzzi where you can rest and entertain friends with a bottle of chilled wine. If your above-ground pool does not include heating and water jets, you may buy these separately and have them installed.

3. Wood frame

A wood frame is the easiest and the most common way to cover the walls of the above-ground swimming pool. It is easy to dismantle and the wood panels are pleasing to the eye. You may extend the wood frame and connect it with the deck or fence to match the colour for continuity. Wood frames give a vintage feel on the pool. You may choose from raised decks, multiple-layered decks, partial decks, or ground-level decks. Raised decks give the look and feel of an in-ground pool. Going from the pool to the deck is seamless and will no longer need ladders. You may add lounge chairs and umbrellas in the deck, too. Multilevel decks are also a good choice and allow multiple areas, with easy access to the pool. Ground level decks, on the other hand, still need a ladder to reach the rim. Make sure that you use treated wood and periodically coat it with penetrating stain to prevent the wood from rotting and keep the chemically-treated water from being absorbed by the wood. A deteriorating deck is not good to look at and would be unsafe.

4. Semi-Inground

If your yard is sloping or the water table is high, the best way to install your above-ground pool is to partially bury the pool. This will give additional support to the structure and lessen the pressure on the wall. Semi-Inground pools would look a little similar to the in-ground pools. Aluminium pools are usually the option many choose because it is rust-proof and corrosion-resistant.

5. Glass and tile

Glass and tiles are both seen as modern and sleek materials for decorating and designing your pool. Tiles are very versatile and are easy to clean and install. They can be cut and arranged in different patterns to achieve the design you are looking for. They also carry different designs like stone or sand themes that will enhance the look and appeal of the pool. Glass is usually used on the sides of infinity pools, creating an illusion of a never ending pool. This can also be incorporated in the above-ground pool design. A luxury material that can be used on the sides and deck of the above-ground pool are glass tiles. They come in different colours and can easily transform the boring concrete sides or decks into something amazing.

6. Rock garden and stone finish

If you are not into glass and wood and you don't want to plant decorative plants around the pool, you may use decorative stones to add texture and the feel of authenticity to the landscape. Water is usually associated with rivers and beaches, so having a stone finish would look natural. Rock gardens may use boulders, pavers with different colours, river rocks, sea shells, and coloured sand. You may also add stone sculptures or a waterfall for visual interest and a concrete block that would serve as a seating area.

7. Grass and trees

Although it seems like a good idea to surround your pool with greenery and trees that can be used as a shade, there are downsides to it, too. Grass may grow under your swimming pool and cause cracks on the wall. Grass may also attract a horde of unwanted bugs and other insects. Roots of trees can also damage the wall or underside of the pool, making the foundation uneven. Leaves, along with the organisms that thrive in them, may also fill the pool if the tree is very near. Should you still want to have greeneries around the pool, use plants that are in containers or are easy to move. If you want to avoid cleaning your pool as often as a leaf falls, plant trees that are a few metres away from it.

8. Fencing

As a pool fence is required by law across Australia, you need to make sure that a landscape designer and a certifier agrees on the position of your pool and fences. This will ensure that you get the best value for your investment if you choose to sell your property. Glass, whilst being the most expensive, is essentially seamless. The next best option is a black aluminium fence. This colour can easily blend in with trees and plants. Do not choose light colours which can change the overall view of your yard.

9. Plunge pool

A plunge pool is best if your backyard space is small. A small, round, and deep pool is perfect for relaxing and soaking. Plunge pools are also very convenient to maintain, easy to heat, and equally refreshing as any of the bigger pools. If you are looking for a lap pool, this is not for you. The beauty about the plunge pool is that it would not cost much if you choose to add a brick wall or a deck around it, given its small size.

10. Spa pool

A spa pool has built-in seats and water jets. This is intended for relaxation and hanging out. Some spa pools combine the features of a plunge pool and spa. Inflatable spas come with a rapid heating system and a massage system. On the other hand, if you are looking for blow up spas in Australia, a quality but affordable option is the Bestway Lay-Z Spa, which has 120 massage jets.

Things to Consider When Designing Your Pool

1. Who will use the pool?

Your design should be based on who will use the pool once it is installed and what it will be used for. If children will be the primary users of the pool, safety and security should be a main consideration in the design. Fences, decks, steps, and ladders should be added. If young people will use it for lounging and just hanging out, you may add deck chairs, umbrellas, and a patio.

2. Learn about the Council laws and building rules

If it is an above-ground pool or spa pool, you will be required to get an approval from the local council. Local council officers will enforce the safety requirements under the Development Act of 1993. Since April 1, 2014, all new swimming pools have been required to be inspected by the council within two months of the installation of barriers for child-safety. The Australian Standard AS1926-2012 is now being followed as a standard in fencing and safety barriers in Victoria, Tasmania, NSW, Western and South Australia, and the ACT. The Northern Territory follows AS1926.1 â“ 1993. Different states have different building codes to follow, so it is best to approach your local council.

3. Decide on the size of the pool

The design of the pool should complement the size of the pool. If the pool is small, fewer people will be able to use it. A bigger pool would mean the opposite. Decide, too, on the width or depth of the pool. You have to take them into consideration whilst ensuring that the size of the pool matches the space in your yard, including provisions for a deck and a fence.

4. Make adjustments for future plans

If you plan to renovate or add more accessories to your pool and your surroundings, you have to inform the contractor or the installer immediately, so that they can make adjustments for your future plans. Plumbing might seem like a small part of the process but having foresight would mean less expenses in the future. The size and shape of your above-ground swimming pool will ultimately dictate the design of your swimming space and your yard. As installing one would involve effort and resources, it is important to weigh your options first before deciding. Decide first on what pool to buy and everything else will be a secondary concern. If you are still uncertain about what pool to buy, visit Outbax and choose among the different products available. All products are made of tri-tech material and provide a complete pool kit and 12-month warranty. You may also call 1 300 688 229 if you have questions about the products. Visit the site now!